Monday, May 24, 2010

Are my grade good enough for UCI?

I want to go to UCI , but i messed up really bad in freshman year, i did ok in sophmore year ,i have improved significantly, im currently a junior and i have several ap classes as well as community college credits and comunity service do you think i have a chance at UCI? or maybe other UCs? like UCR,UCD, UCLA, ? grades are:

9th 1sem 2nd sem

english = F C-

algebra = F F

pe = B+ B-

env sci adv D+ B+

foods= A+ A

freshmn foun=B+ health= B-


eng 10= A- A

world hist.= C- B+

Algebra B= C B+

Biology= A- A

Span 2= A- A-

Piano= B A


English 11= A- A

US Hist AP= B B

Geometry= B+ B+

Weights= A A

Chemistry= A+ A

Span 4 AP= B+ A

com college-



public speak-B+

Crim just-A

child dev-B

comm service= 80 hours

Are my grade good enough for UCI?
Your freshman grades will not be included in your UC GPA calculation. The improving grade trend will be taken into consideration. Good job taking community college courses, continue to do that to help boost your GPA. Commit to couple of clubs and community services, don't switch (long term commitment is favored). Apply to as many UCs as you can afford to optimize your choices.
Reply:Your grades are pretty good. I'm pretty sure you can get into Davis and Irvine, and maybe even LA. All that depends on what your SAT's are and if you have any extracurricular activities. Also, it is imperative that you write a strong personal statement. Good luck!
Reply:UCLA good luck on that!
Reply:UC's only take your 10th and 11th grade into consideration. I don't think they look at your freshmen classes but dont you need to repeat them?
Reply:UCR is guaranteed in my opinion

But I think your sat scores might sway the admissions decisioins as well, but if they are alright..

I think you have a good chance for UCI and UCD. UCLA though is unpredictable so you won't know until admission decisions in March!

But i have to ask, did you repeat the Fs %26amp; Ds from freshman year? Because you need to... to have enough units to transfer I believe. lol

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