Tuesday, July 28, 2009

C++ program, it just won't work.?

Haha, I posted this a couple of minutes ago.. but forgot the

link to the code.

So basically, I have written this code that

will let a user choose 2 numbers.

the program will either

1: Tell the user all of the odd numbers between the first number

and second.


2: Write the odd numbers to a file, "odds.txt".

This can be found at


I can't find out what could be wrong with it, but there definately

*is* something.

I use Bloodshed Dev-C++, just in case my code won't

compile in your compiler.

Please, could you revise the code, and post it, or at least just

tell me what I need to change to make it work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

C++ program, it just won't work.?
Incorrect CODE

goto end;



else if ( yesno == "no" || "n"){

if ((start %26amp; 1) != 0 %26amp;%26amp; start != end){


for( int start; start %26lt;= end; start += 2){

cout%26lt;%26lt; start;



else if ((start %26amp; 2) != 0 %26amp;%26amp; start != end){

for( int start; start %26lt;= end; start += 2){

cout%26lt;%26lt; start;



else if ( start == end ){

cout%26lt;%26lt;"There are no odds between "%26lt;%26lt; start %26lt;%26lt;" and "%26lt;%26lt; end %26lt;%26lt; endl;

goto end;


else {

cout%26lt;%26lt;"That's an invalid function.. Thanks for playing though";

goto end;




count%26lt;%26lt;"That's an invalid function.. Thanks for playing though";





Its not cout its count i fixed it..


cout%26lt;%26lt;"That's an invalid function.. Thanks for playing though";

Name cout name it count

Next step, learn to use the debugger.

The following lines are wrong:

if ((start %26amp; 2) != 0

should be

if ((start %26amp; 1) == 0)

(2 occurences of that).

if ( yesno == "no" || "n")

should be

if ( yesno == "no" || yesno == "n")


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