i m having H.C.VERMA book of physics. is it sufficient for preparation of IIT-JEE 2007 ? or should i look for any other objective book also like M.C.Q. by DEV. MUKHERJEE? plz reply...
also give some tips how to prepare? I have passed +2 and dropped this year for it. so its my last chance to sit in this exam, and i have to clear this exam at any cost.
Is H.C. VERMA book of physics sufficient for preparation of IIT-JEE 2007?
H c verma is nice book and read the conceps given in it first before attempting any problems. for electricity %26amp; magnetism resnick halliday is better. overall resnick is nice book .
After u hav all done with this books next is our I E IRODOV.
if u can do all problems of irodov than ur selection is sure.
i m als o preparing for jee this year so i hav told what i know.
Reply:Please visit
http://www.iitjeeaieee.com Report It
Reply:Better join some regular coaching classes as you have got another 6 months more.
Reply:first of all read halliday resnick and h.c verma thoroughly
then try the problems in h.c verma...do not leave out the objective questions...also try the the 1st section of questions(which do not have answers)...b'cause they really sharpen ur concepts...
only after u have done all this do u move on to irodov
i think this would be more than enough for ur jee preparation.......best of luck
Reply:It is not enough. Try Irodov, and better if you can get study material of correspondence cource of Brilliant Tutorials.
My sis had that, and It proved to be beneficial for her
Reply:it isn't.go for 'PROBLEMS IN GENERAL PHYSICS'-I.E.IRODOV for the ultimate preparation.you could also try RESNICK HALLIDAY if you haven't uptill now.
Reply:the book is really very good and certainly more than enough provided you understand all the concepts involved in the problems that he has presented. you should understand the message of every probem and not simply solve them mechanically to get the answers.
i appreciate the order in which he has presented the problems.
other books like mukherjee will help you know what you have understood and also help you to build your speed.
Reply:there is no book who is sufficient for the preperation of IIT JEE . we can say that H.C.Verma is the basic requirement for the prepration of IIT-JEE. wee must consult other books also.
Reply:that book is good but for iit u cant depend only on one book ..better try feynmann's lectures in physics,halliday resnick,dinesh publications objective physics,tata mcgrew's course in physics for iit jee..better refer much reference books
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