Monday, May 24, 2010

Multiple boot - XP, Server 2003, Linux Fedora Core 6 issue Please Help!?

I have XP, Server 2003, Linux FC6 installed. The problem is I don't want to use the grub boot loader, I want to use the windows boot.ini. When I installed Linux I did not want to write over the MBR for windows. Well I can't get into Linux to create a floppy and copy the boot sector to it like this:

$ dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1

So I can point my boot.ini file to the linux boot loader which looks like this:

C:%26gt; attrib -s -r c:\boot.ini


I have read thousands of articles and they all say the same thing. They say "Use the grub or get into linux and copy the boot sector". If anyone can help me do this I would really appreciate it. Again the problem is using windows boot loader and direct it to linux boot loader. Thanks

Multiple boot - XP, Server 2003, Linux Fedora Core 6 issue Please Help!?
Its a general preference that if there is a windows and a linux os installed in your machine, people generally try to configure /boot/grub/grub.conf file.

The very reason behind is that linux takes care of both the os carefully compared to the booting file of any other os.

in your case its boot.ini for windows.

If your grub.conf file is not working, then you wont be able to enter the linux os.

you will get a prompt showing :


Read the manaul of grub properly and then you will be able configure the grub to enter the linux os which will be followed by the editing of the grub.conf file in a proper sequence

To get the boot loader configured using the windows, simply boot your computer with the windows cd and you will find the option to configure for the dual booting which will change the settings at boot.ini after getting your feedback.

Happy Dual Booting !!

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